Read the SDI blog post on the community-university studio in Lusaka

Monday, 5 May 2014

The website of AAPS partner Shack/Slum Dwellers International (SDI) has posted a blog article and report on a recent planning studio conducted by the University of Zambia (UNZA) along with the local SDI affiliate, People’s Process on Housing and Poverty in Zambia (PPHPZ).

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AAPS was instrumental in establishing a new Master of Spatial Planning degree at the University of Zambia, which began in late 2013. As part of the implementation of the new master’s programme, in December 2013 UNZA and PPHPZ signed of a Memorandum of Understanding, committing both parties to the planning of collaborative studio projects, and to allowing PPHPZ staff and residents of informal settlements to give inputs and lectures to UNZA students.

Please CLICK HERE to read the SDI blog article.

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